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  1. All entries must be received by October 31 at midnight EST. We cannot make exceptions. Post mark and received are not the same thing. They must be in our hands by October 31 at midnight.
  2. Photos may be entered in multiple classes, but separate entry fees must be paid for each class entry. If, for example, you enter the same photo in 3 classes your fee will be $15 US dollars.
  3. Photos MUST be cropped to show only the dog in all conformation classes. They cannot show judges, handlers or any part of an award board in the photo. Photos should be less than 100kbytes for easy loading both on the page and in email. Photos cannot be more than 5 inches square or 360 pixels square. Please use a photo editor to size them BEFORE sending them in. Check the Template for an example in size.
  4. Prizes will be awarded to the first place winner in each class. In addition, virtual ribbons will be awarded to the first through fourth place finishers in each class. Prizes and virtual ribbons will also be awarded to Winners Dog/Winners Bitch-Best of Breed/Best of Winners/Best of Opposite Sex.
  5. Cyber Show judges shall not enter any dogs owned or co-owned by them. Dogs which are bred by the judges may be entered.
  6. The show chairman labby will NOT enter any of her dogs which are living at her home at the time of the show. Dogs bred by her may be entered.
  7. Judge's decisions are final.
  8. Photos will be listed by an entry number only. The judge's will vote for their choices by this entry number. No names will be published until AFTER the show.
  9. All entries must be living at the time of the show, except if there is a special class for deceased Labs. That would be the only class a deceased Lab could be entered in.


Regular Classes - Open to purebred Labrador Retrievers only. Dogs may be intact or de-sexed unless otherwise specified. Dogs in the regular classes must be Stacked or Freebaited such as in the linked pictures.

Puppies – For the following classes, entries will be judged according to the age of the puppy at the time the photo was taken.

  1. 3-6 Dog
  2. 3-6 Bitch
  3. 6-9 Dog
  4. 6-9 Bitch
  5. 9-12 Dog
  6. 9-12 Bitch
  7. 12-18 Dog
  8. 12-18 Bitch

Open Dog – Any male Lab, intact or de-sexed.

Open Bitch – Any female Lab, intact or de-sexed.

Best of Breed – Must be a show Champion (doesn't matter which country) to be entered in this class. Winners Dog and Winners Bitch will be entered automatically, without additional entry fees.

Veterans – Open to Labs 7 years old or older; intact or de-sexed.

Non-Regular/Fun Classes – Open to purebred Labradors or Lab mixes, whether intact or de-sexed. Unless otherwise specified, a single photo with multiple Labs/Dogs must be cropped into separate entries.

Junior Showmanship - Open to kids up to the age of 16 years.

Tongue Pictures - We want to see some cute Labrador tongues

Cutest Lab Mix - The judge's will decide if your Lab mix is the cutest or not

Labs In Action - Doing whatever they do best, whether its swimming, playing, hunting, etc.

Labs & Kids - This is the only class in which human faces are allowed to appear. The Labrador must not be deceased in order to qualify for this class.

Wet Labs - Isn't that the most natural thing of all?

Labs in Costume

Sleeping Labs - We want to see the cutest/funniest sleeping Lab pictures

Cutest Lab Puppy - Lab puppy pictures that make you go "AWWWWWW, how adorable"

Gone, but Never Forgotten Labs - This is the only class where deceased Labs can be entered.

Caught In The Act - You know what we mean. Those guilty looking Labs being bad.

Leaping Labs - Jumping, leaping, bouncing Labs.

Buds - Labs & their Buds. Can be other Labs, dogs, cats, birds, just not kids.

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